Bash: Read file line into array - Stack Overflow 2012年3月16日 - On each iteration of the loop, I'd like each line to go into an array so I can while read line into myArray do echo myArray[0] echo myArray[1] ...
extract file contents into array using bash scripting - Stack ... 2013年11月29日 - how to extract a file content into array in bash line by line each line is ... i=0 while read line # Read a line do array[i]=$line # Put it into the array ...
bash: Read lines in file into an array - Stack Overflow 2012年7月9日 - I am trying to read a file containing lines, into a bash array. I have tried the ... You don't need to maintain an index with your while loop. You can ...
linux - Bash 'while read line' into an array and sum total ... 2012年8月22日 - I hope someone can help... I've parsed integers to a file separated by ... If the array is only an intermediate step and not required beyond that point ...
command line - Read file into array - Ask Ubuntu 2011年3月10日 - How can I read file in shell script , then assign each line to an variable that i can use ... while read line do array+=("$line") done < some_file. To ...
BASH reading txt file and storing in array - Unix & Linux ... 2013年4月2日 - I'm sure there must be easier ways to achieve that but I want to do ... /root/phonebook.txt ; then echo "CREATING ARRAY" while read line do ...
Read line by line and store a word in array | Unix Linux Forums ... Hi, I would like to read a file line by line and then store the whole line ... idea) while read line do store record one word by word in array loop ...
Array; while read line do problem | Unix Linux Forums | Shell ... I want to read the contents of a while loop into an array, but it looks like the array is destroyed once the while loop is finished. Can.
How to read all lines of a file into a bash array | Peniwize's ... 2011年4月9日 - The way I usually read files into an array is with a while loop because I nearly always need to parse the line(s) before populating the array.
Bash script, read file into array (Newbie) - I am trying to write a bash script that will read one file line by line, into an ... read ips exec